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Ashlyn M.

I'm Ashlyn. Welcome to my portfolio & my "niche" - the place where you can check out all of my passions, projects, skills and stories. 


 I'm a student, freelance writer, amateur graphic designer, SPFX makeup lover, costume assistant & stitcher, novelist and scriptwriter. ​


I love writing & creating art. Since I'm passionate about quite a few career paths and not quite sure where I'll end up, I've collected a variety of skills in graphic design, new media, writing, stitching, draping, patterning, wardrobe (dressing), styling and hair & makeup. 


 I  offer freelance graphic design and writing. Most of my stories (and now, a script!) are available on Wattpad, an online writing platform.








Opera: The Magic Flute

Characters designed: Papageno, the Queen of the Night, Lady-in-waiting, Pamina


Vision: To begin the design process, I referenced pictures of  pine cones, leaves, and a tree branch and used cut paper to create conceptual collages. The results lead me to draw inspiration from Russian folk costumes, Roman battle armor, imperial Japanese ceremonial wear, and Elizabethan England.


Exaggerated silhouettes and a warm, jewel-toned color palette will help keep the overall look cohesive. Each character sits within a distinct time period and influence, represents edges and lines of the nature object(s), and are bound together by similar colors and textures.



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